Tully is an Angel!

Tully Holding a Disabled GentlemanThis is a picture of a chap called Tully holding a 46 year old, wheelchair bound man with severe mental handicaps.

Tully picked him up so he could go on the hay ride with everyone else.

5 minutes into the ride the man got so excited that he peed all over himself and Tully.

Tully sat there soaked in pee for the remainder of the 40 minute hay ride. As soon as it was over he changed the mans clothes before his own.

If that doesn’t show character I don’t know what does.

~ Anonymous


          1. Jean vanier was the son of the Canadian Governor General ( rep of the Queen, first French-Canadian) He started L;Arche=the Ark in France and then houses sprang up all over Canada. A philosopher, author, public speaker, devout Catholic: an incredible gentle man with a soft voice who loved the mentally handicaped. ( He was prominant in the 1970, 80, early 90’s. Christians live in community giving the mentally challenged lives of dignity and mutual respect. It is a place of healing for ALL.


  1. Do you have consent from this man for him to have his story shared like this? Would you want your story about having an accident posted on the web?

    Why are people Angels when they interact and care for people with disabilities? Would you want people to pat themselves on the back for helping and supporting you?

    Why is such ableist language being used? People use wheelchairs, they aren’t wheelchair bound. People have disabilities. People have intellectual disabilities. The term “severely mentally handicapped” is super out of date.

    I understand that we live in a world where most people haven’t thought about these questions. Our world dehumanizes people with disabilities all the time. It is my hope, though, that you will reconsider this post and future ones about people with disabilities now that these questions have been asked.

    Liked by 2 people

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