1. Thank you for reading my piece! You’re absolutely right, our kids learn to see through our vision of life. If we can’t see beauty, neither will they, unless they grow to be self learners, which not everyone does.

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    1. Thank you so much for reading my piece. It’s gratifying to know that others realize along with me that the fast pace we live in, thanks to technology & the evolution of society, has caused us to live life for our offspring, drag them along on a ride they never asked to go ton, & teach them to be focused on what’s next on the list, the agenda, the schedule, instead of focusing on the here & now.

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    1. You WILL be if you allow yourself to listen to your heart & ignore the peanut gallery! Everyone means well, but you need to stay true to yourself. Let yourself make mistakes & learn from them. Let your babies make mistakes & learn from them. Boo-boos will heal no matter how old or young we are.

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  1. I wish I had slowed down, it was all just a blur. I am glad you have and savor the sweetness! Lovely post and a good reminder for me as well! Thanks for sharing!

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  2. I was so blessed that my oldest two were teenagers when my last baby was born. It was a blessing that has been good for her.
    And now I have grandchildren also. There are days that I spend saying “Don’t do that because….” or “Please don’t touch that because….” but I always give them reasons for my requests because then if something happens they will know exactly why it happened.

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