How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“Saturday morning, my son walked into my room and said he wanted to use his money to help the homeless. I asked him what he had in mind, and he said he wanted to make them lunches.

I have to be honest, I almost tried to talk him into just holding on to his money and having mom and dad pay for it, but the light in his eyes told me to just roll with it.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“My son put me on sandwich duty while he stuffed the bags with the stuff he picked out at the store.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“Proud little guy.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“Lunch on the counter.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“Lunch in the car.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

“He did most of the handing-out by himself, but this was the only picture we got of us actually giving the stuff out.”

How My Son Wanted to Spend the $120 He Saved This Year.

How wonderful! 🙂

by Phineas1713

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