1. What I find helps in addition to your very good list above is trust. With trust that your life is on purpose no matter how it looks or feels, is a way you can slowly learn to let go of what it needs to be. Of course this may be easier said than done but it’s not impossible. Just be kind to you, very kind, and love yourself completely with all the parts that ache and bleed. Soon you’ll see a shift in energy for nothing same the same. If you can go for a short walk outside in a park preferably and stretch that body of yours. It will take all that you have but you will feel a thousand times better. I will be writing about these powers of nature very soon on my blog. Take care and be kind to yourself.

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    1. I simply cannot thank you enough for taking the time to both read this post and for sharing such spot on feedback and advice. Letting go and trusting that all is well and that everything is happening as it should for my greater good are concepts I want to embrace, yet I find myself pushing them away. Of late, I have been focusing on having intentions, yet not attaching my physical health and well-being to their outcome. Definitely easier said than done, but as you said, it is not impossible. I find great solace in trail running and being in nature, so, your suggestions definitely resonated with me. Many thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Kristi Jo. Your words come at a most timely moment for me as I, too, have struggled with this new year. I truly appreciate your words of wisdom and will re-read them regularly to help me stay focused.

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      1. My pleasure! Reading the Kindness Blog daily reminds me that everyone struggles, that people are basically good, and that I’m not the only one in the world who has “issues”. It gets me outside of my head, which is always a GOOD thing! Hahaha!

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  3. Man,. . . we can sure learn awareness through our own faults and acknowledge them. Great Post! Love visiting 🙂
    Author, Cat Lyon

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  4. Your post brings to mind the atonement. Forgiveness is so important. By that i mean to forgive ourselves for less than good choices in our lives. Then it is to learn from this and move on. We all have good intentions but we are also human too. So don’t be so hard on yourself. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks for this post! It came at the perfect time 😀 I think now’s a great time for a lot of people to “do over” and recommit to their plans for the new year.

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  6. Kristi, it goes to show even good hearted people need to take a break to take care of themselves. With daily blog writing for two straight months on top of your job duties, personal (and people close to you) health issues, and the holidays, you may have run out of gas. Take care of you, first. That will enable you to do what you love and give of yourself to others. All the best, BTG

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My sincerest thanks for all of your support and wise observations, as you are spot on! I am recovering from the flu, and this down time definitely has helped me to re-evaluate some things. Here’s to good physical and mental health!


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