1. This resonated very deeply with me. I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and other mental issues for as long as I can remember. Your words detail a transition in paradigm that makes so much sense, seems so obvious, but still is something that those of us in the midst of our madness need to hear and be reminded of by someone outside of our own subjective compulsions of thought. Thank you so much for this!

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  2. Thank you for this! This is exactly what I have been going through for months now. All this introspection, discovery, deep emotional work, and change is really tough, but so necessary. I thought I was FINE. I was really going for my dreams, but things just weren’t adding up quite the way I was expecting them too. Then I realized I was drowning much more than I thought. I was the anchor for so many, how could I be drowning? But I was. I’ll definitely be checking out Gary’s program. Thank you again!

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    1. Thanks for your comment Kylee. I thought everything was fine too. I had no idea… until that bolt of lightening illuminated that everything wasn’t how it seemed. I hope that everyone finds the courage to take a look inside. It’s so beautiful there! 🙂

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