My Godmother Inspires Self-Love And Compassion – by Elizabeth Wellington

Godmother Linda, my godmother, has been a constant source of inspiration for me since my high school years.

Through her grace and compassion, she showed me that each person has an inherent worth, regardless of their actions or how they are perceived by others. She helped me to recognize the humanity within myself, opening up a path of self-love and compassion.

I grew up understanding love as something you gave to another but never gave yourself. I didn’t realize what I was missing! I always looked toward friends, family, and a string of boyfriends to fill a hole in my heart that was bigger than any one person.

Linda helped me to recognize self-acceptance as the root of unconditional love.

I learned that love is deeper than value judgments, familial relationships, and romantic attachments; it is the recognition of the good within ourselves and the good within every person. That love is something that no one can take away.

During times when I fell short of my own expectations, Linda reminded me that I deserved my own acceptance despite any failures on my part, and during moments when other people devalued my worth, Linda offered the strength of her assurances and the kindness of her voice. She taught me, through her own example, that love is the solution to every challenge we face. When my college boyfriend broke up with me unexpectedly, I was left devastated, but Linda reached through my sobbing cries to show me that, instead of reacting to his rejection, I could simply love myself more.

By following Linda’s incredible example, I learned that love is also the root of compassion toward others.

Because Linda values herself, she acts from a place of kindness and care toward everyone in her world, regardless of their stature or background.

Following a parallel path to Linda has led to personal fulfillment and a life filled with beautiful relationships based on acceptance and love.

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