1. Thank you Lulu! I so appreciate your lovely words. We all know but sometimes we only need a little reminder which fills ourselves with so much light, doesn’t it?


  1. so beautiful, thank you! I went through some amazing changes in myself last night, really life changing, so moving, never believed in spirit guides until now, wow. much love and peace to you. Michelle

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comment sounds very exciting, Michelle. Sometimes all the dust seems to dissolve within instants although we were working on it for long times. I am so happy you could let go. The liberation and relief after such am experience is indescribable. Thank you for sharing this!


  2. Awesome words and such truth to them. We all have this gift inside us…the gift of love and with it comes kindness, strength, hope and a multitude of others….we share, we lift and we love and in do so, the gifts grow stronger and so do we. Peace, love and light! ~M

    Liked by 2 people

        1. You did not sound well yesterday and of course there are so many others at the moment suffering from different issues. I felt the need for writing this and at the same time the Kindness Blog asked me. That was fate!


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