1. Aww that’s a great story. I have such a passion for the homeless. So often they are overlooked, people just walk by as if they don’t exist or because they are more concerned with their own lives. I’m not rich, I can’t always afford to help, but my heart always leads me to. Most often in buying a meal or a drink, as I never carry cash. The reaction of the person you help is almost always so pure and beautiful.

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  2. That was a terrific story.

    We ran out of gas one day, and AAA came by and gave us a free gallon – enough to exit to the gas station. We wondered why we didn’t catch the gas level- we never ran out of gas before (ever)… I told my husband there must be a reason.

    Then a woman approached us at the gas station/convenience store and had her 3 kids with her and asked us for a little cash so she could get a snack for her kids. She and her husband had both been laid off from work and having trouble making ends meet. She looked like me- an average mom.

    We had been there ourselves twice and once after I just had our son, so my heart was softened and we gave her $10.00- not much- but what I had in my wallet because we never carry cash. (I was grateful I had that $10.00) It wasn’t much, but I wanted to give what I could even on my tight budget. My husband looked at me, there was no way of telling if it were a scam… but I looked at those kids… what mother would hang out at the gas station with 3 kids… a desperate one. I remember those days I was nearly to that point of asking people we knew for money. So, I gave freely and wished it were a $20.00. Besides, we ran of gas for a reason- she must have sent a prayer to God and He answered her by delivering us? It was no longer my money.

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