Khari Touré - Bullying

This Father Wrote His Bullied Daughter a Song to Let Her Know how Special She is

Bullying is a huge problem in schools around the world, which leaves thousands of kids a year feeling insecure and abused.

This foul treatment can cause both physical and emotional distress. The reality is that almost every kid experiences bullying in some way, so if you haven’t, you’re very lucky.

When this little girl told her dad that she was being bullied, he decided that he needed to tell her how special she really is.

Khari Touré - BullyingHe sat down and wrote a poem, which he then put to music, and created a song meant to inspire not only his own kids, but kids across the country who are dealing with bullying and harassment.

This dad is no stranger to viral fame. He once wrote a song to his wife about how he wished she loved herself more, which you can check out here.

We hope Khari Touré continues to make music like this, because these messages resonate with all of us.

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  1. Reblogged this on Michael's Origins and commented:

    This man has it right! His child was being bullied and delivered a wise message to his kids, It’s not about retaliation. He also has another video about his wife thats has over 1,255,935 views with 3.857 likes and 67 dislikes that correlates with the poems I write:
    I wish I could shake this man’s hand in person, but for now this reblog will have to do.

    Liked by 2 people

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