1. Yes! Yes! Yes! I have survived three suicide attempts and finally after the last I learned what worked for me. I do all of the things you mentioned specialized to my own care. I still have good and bad days living with bipolar but managing things has become easier.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks to each of you who have commented so far.

    Bob–I have learned that you are absolutely right. The simplest, most practical advice is always what I am drawn to. Glad it’s the same for you!

    PJ–I’m so glad you’re still here!!! Life is so hard and TRUST ME, I get bipolar. It’s no joke. But life does get better.

    Peace to you all today.

    Thanks for the thoughtful responses.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. I try to follow this advice already as I am bipolar and survived an attempt. For me I have to go one step further w my support network. It’s one thing to have them in your corner, it’s another to be open and honest about suicidal thoughts and feelings in the moment. I tend to shut down and shut out the people that care the most when I need them the most. I’m working hard to keep the dialogue open no matter how painful.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Glad you’re still here, my friend. I understand completely. A support system is a blessing…and also the one thing that gets on my nerves. ha. I really do get it.

      Hope you’ll keep the dialogue open.

      Peace to you, friend.


  4. Just thought I would take a quick peek at your site, and ended up reading every word, and took away some good stuff…I think. Nice. Picture Arnie as I type: I’ll be back!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Much good advise, like sleep and exercise, but I think we use too much medication, and that this should be used as a last resort rather than a first resort. It is important to recognize the limitations of our psychiatry, and the guinea pig type experimentation that is occurring, called two tries to get the right medicine. We advocate small amounts of organic marijuana, as this churns the unconscious, which may contain healing thoughts, though it is perhaps not good if the flood is coming in already. It is less addictive than antidepressants, and less toxic than coffee, a home remedy, but again not for everyone. Antidepressants are dangerous, and we have raised the question of whether these are over–prescribed and linked to public shootings, especially in the U. S. No one will as yet admit the question, and it has not been researched, but many report suicidal and “crazy” reactions to the antidepressants. Our shrinks earn six figures, and get kickbacks from the prescription drug industry, which is an important conflict of interest never acknowledged. Suicide is also a philosophical and ethical question worth thinking about, and was forbidden as a form of murder prior to our replacement of religion with psychology, not that the forms we had did not call for replacing. Visit our website for free, or Takingthemaskoff, where a psychiatric RN considers the suicide of his friend Joe, and we have left two scriptural and philosophic comments. We have a blog on depression and change, considering mild depression as psychohygenic, and raising the question of what occurs if that is so and we take drugs to numb it. Lastly, look to dreams: Carl Jung writes of “libido” or psychic energy trapped in the unconscious- another way of calling us to reflection and self knowledge as the cure. Not that there are not some serious forms, and the drugs as a last resort even I would allow, but not as a first resort.

    M. McDonald
    McDonald Philosophy and Politics
    PhD Politics, B.S. Psychology


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