hot lunch

This Kid Rocks!

An 8-year-old Michigan boy decided to take matters into his own hands when his friend was denied a hot lunch because he didn’t have enough money in his account.

Cayden Taipalus, a student at Challenger Elementary in Howell, was concerned after his friend received a cheese sandwich in lieu of a hot lunch, because his parents hadn’t added more money to his account.

Cayden Taipalus

Cayden’s mother, Amber Melke-Peters, said her son came home upset and wanted to know how he could help his friends.

“We came up with Pay It Forward: No Kid Goes Hungry,” says Cayden’s web page at a social fundraising site. “Cayden called family, friends, neighbors and even took back cans to raise money to pay off low income kids delinquent lunch accounts at school. He not only paid off the accounts but added money to them so the child had no future worries about lunches.”




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