Rescue Ink

Rescue Ink is a group of badass men that has quite a unique premise for a biker gang. The group exists to breakup dog fighting rings, confront animal abusers, confiscate neglected animals and investigate stolen ones.  The men back organizations like local SPCAs, the Humane Society and smaller rescue groups all over the world. Rescue Ink is made up of street guys, military personnel, police officers, private investigators, lawyers and a network of volunteers who do “whatever is necessary within the means of the law — that’s what our lawyers tell us to say — to fight abuse and neglect of all kinds.”  Check out to learn more about the group.  (Photo via Rescue Ink)
Rescue Ink is a group of badass men that has quite a unique premise for a biker gang. The group exists to breakup dog fighting rings, confront animal abusers, confiscate neglected animals and investigate stolen ones. The men back organizations like local SPCAs, the Humane Society and smaller rescue groups all over the world. Rescue Ink is made up of street guys, military personnel, police officers, private investigators, lawyers and a network of volunteers who do “whatever is necessary within the means of the law — that’s what our lawyers tell us to say — to fight abuse and neglect of all kinds.”
Check out to learn more about the group.
(Photo via Rescue Ink) Source: Daily Saint


  1. Hi there, it’s wonderful that you promote animals and have such compassion! I’m very sorry though to inform you that the photo and story you’ve referred to is from 2009. This group had a television show back then, and did a lot of good for animals! Sadly, greed took over, most of the group left, (including the guy pictured), because they didn’t like the unethical things that have happened. Please consider removing this post because promoting the group only brings in donations and fuels the greed, so please consider removing before more animals and people are hurt.

    Here’s a list of a few things that have been documented behaviors and acts that Rescue Ink has committed. I’m sure you didn’t know, so no hard feelings, just trying to help. Also, please check out the link below to learn more. There are 900 people on the page mentioned, and many of them are from the show and from the original group.

    We all just want to see the truth shared so that animals and people are safe.

    In the past two years, Rescue Ink has:

    -Taken donations promising that 100% would be given to animal care, yet their latest tax return shows them falling 94% below their promise. Only 6% is given to animals.

    -Promised that Rescue Ink merchandise purchases are “100% to help animals” when it was ordered by a judge in a lawsuit settlement that the merchandise profits go solely to pay off the amount for which they were sued.

    -Allowed three animals to die unnecessarily in Hurricane Sandy due to neglect.

    -Failed to provide real documentation of animal rescues, or travel to perform animal rescues, when requested by donors.

    -Implied that a grandmother was involved in animal abuse of a puppy in a personal vendetta toward the woman for speaking the truth about the things above. The woman has provided vet records that the veterinarian who examined the puppy absolved her from any wrongdoing.

    Please visit “Rescue Ink Former Members, Volunteers, and Supporters” on Facebook to join the 900 people who already know the truth. We share it for the animals!


    1. Hello Diana,

      Thank you for taking the time to visit the blog and share your experiences and thoughts in regards to “Rescue Ink”.

      I must admit to being a little shocked and dismayed to learn of what has transpired and we (Team Kindness Blog) will discuss this further ASAP. Do you have a contact e-mail address we can write you on?

      Thank you.


      1. I prefer not to leave my email address public. But if you go to the Facebook page mentioned above, “Rescue Ink Former Members, Volunteers, and Supporters” and send them a message, they’d probably be best to answer your questions anyway. It’s not my page, but I think that maybe people run it that used to be really involved high up in Rescue Ink or something like that.


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