Tampa man gives homeless man his shoes and it's captured in a photo

Kindness Captured in a Photo – A Man Gives a Barefoot Homeless Man His Shoes

Tampa man gives homeless man his shoes and it's captured in a photoA Tampa man, Oscar Aquino, gave a homeless man the shoes off his feet in a random act of kindness that’s getting wide-spread, and deserved praise online.

Oscar 29-years-old, said he walked out of his store on Wednesday to see a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. That poor man was eating crackers and sipping a soda.  

Aquino noticed the man’s black and torn up feet, chatted with him for a moment and asked him his shoe size.

Aquino then took off his new Jordan athletic shoes and gave them to the man. He turned around and went back to work, like it was nothing.

That moment was captured by Carla Rose on her cellphone. She saw the two men speaking and, as she watched what unfolded between the two men, she snapped a picture.

Aquino had no idea what Rose had done until he got a phone call from a friend in Jacksonville early Thursday morning telling him he was famous on social media, he said.

Aquino couldn’t believe it.

He told his fiancée, Keysi Ramos, “Anyone can end up like that [homeless] one day. I’m blessed that I can buy myself another pair.”   

“I’ve been through tough times and it’s hard when you have no one to give you a hand,” Aquino said.

Oscar Aquino is a real-life hero. What an awesome display of human-kindness! x

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    1. After reading the natural kindness this man showed, I am reminded of my dear friend Christina in LA. She is a mother of 2 and a nurse…while we were walking down the street a homeless man had a shopping cart filled with his things he could not push up the sidewalk ramp and she ran up, started talking to him and pulled from the other side…it was nothing to her but it meant so much to him to be treated like a person…she never judged… always asking people standing outside stores what they needed and getting it for them if she could…being around special people like her is a gift in itself..I always strive for those beautiful qualities…

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  1. Reblogged this on ahn renovation and commented:
    I love this. We’re always so caught up in our hectic schedules that we sometimes overlook these small acts of kindness. Any act of kindness (no matter how big or small) not only makes someone else’s day but yours as well!
    We should all try to help someone at least once a day. You’ll be surprised at how good you feel about it after 🙂


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