1. You’re right on all counts. Love dissolves the barriers, hurts like hell and is both a joy and a grace beyond measure.
    You’re right too on the other count… there are never any words…
    and ‘Im sorry’ is never enough.

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  2. You know the meaning of the act of love. My pets have always been everything to me. I’ve lost too many to count (I refuse to) and think that I’ll never live through it again. But I end up with another pet. The universe keeps bringing them to my door, and I can’t say no. My heart goes out to you.

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  3. I am idling at the same intersection (profound grief, exhaustion and frustration.) My 14 1/2 yr old pug is dying, It will not be the first time I have lost one of my beloved fur kids. I feel your pain and grief and understand all too well. Hoping Diamond responds to the chemo and you have the time with her that you both need. My thoughts are with you.


    1. I am so sorry to hear about your pug. It is so incredibly difficult. Diamond passed away on 25 March. She died in my arms, with her beautiful head resting on my shoulder. The pain is extraordinary, but there is true solace in knowing that my baby is in peace. I wish you all the very best in your remaining time with your beloved pug.

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  4. I thought you articulated this wonderfully and your message is indeed profound. I feel for you and Diamond and know the pain. My golden is 10 1/2 and slowing down. Sometimes I get caught up in thinking about life without her and the immense pain I will feel. I get past that and celebrate the moment, but I am going to be rocked to my core. Thank you for writing this honest and heartfelt piece.

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    1. Thank you. I hope people read it and take comfort in knowing they are not alone in the awful days leading up to the loss of our best friends.


  5. My cavalier Rupert is fighting bladder cancer with a poor prognosis so we’re making the most of the time we have left- reducing his pain with piroxicam and never showing we notice his accidents. Dog’s do feel shame so cleaning away and petting is a small thing to do for a lifetime of love. My thoughts are with you- a broken heart shows a dog’s life well-lived. xx

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  6. A few weeks before Diamond died, I was absolutely shattered by exhaustion. We’d been up at 3:00, 4:00 and 4:40 in the morning. I had cleaned 5 or 6 accidents. She peed again and I shouted. I feel such shame over this. I know in the end that she understood because she understood everything. Sometimes, even in our love, we stumble.


  7. Thank you for sharing with all of us who know that these 4 footed, furry family members are unconditional love on 4 feet!! I am watching my beloved Mr Socks ( a shelter cat I have had for 13 years fail.) He has been such a lover boy and the other shelter cat .. Dusty who is younger will miss him too! He is eating well but still losing weight, He is playing but not as much and all the signs are there. Your Diamond sounds like a wonderful friend, and you sound like a loving owner. I will be thinking of you! If you are not familiar with The Rainbow Bridge, look it up on the Internet, It is about losing a beloved dog!! I hope that it will give you some solace.
    I wish you peace and consolation

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    1. Thank you for sharing this, Jeanne. I know about the Rainbow Bridge. Absolutely! And I believe my Diamond is there now. I wish you all the very best with Mr. Socks — may the journey come to a peaceful end. You will miss him so much, I have no doubt. They are our loves.


  8. The Rainbow Bridge exists – and we will meet our beloved friends again. Thanks for a wonderful telling of this passage that so many experience and do not have to experience alone, as long as there are lovely, authentic stories like this to comfort both tellers and readers. Sending puppy love to you and your fur baby!


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