Khadijah Muhammad is a waitress in Knoxville, Tenn

She Needed a Miracle and She Got One

Khadijah Muhammad is a waitress in Knoxville, Tenn., who has been having some real financial troubles these days, to the point where “needed a miracle” to pay her utility bill this month.

Khadijah Muhammad is a waitress in Knoxville, Tenn

Muhammad had recently returned from Ohio, where she’d rushed to be with her mother who’d suffered a heart attack, according to the station, and she missed so much work that was financially strapped.

The other night, she turned over a receipt that patrons had left, and she saw a $1,075 tip on a $29.30 check.

Cheddar's server Khadijah Muhammad received a $1,075 tip from a family whose bill was $29.30.(Photo: Jim Matheny, WBIR)
Cheddar’s server Khadijah Muhammad received a $1,075 tip from a family whose bill was $29.30.(Photo: Jim Matheny, WBIR)


The people who gave Muhammed the tip, who wish to remain anonymous, told WBIR “she was very caring.” And despite the “pain in the butt” eating habits, the waitress seemed to happily anticipate their family’s needs.

(Source: Daily Saint Blog – Photo via WBIR)


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