Shopping 5 Days Before Christmas, and the Kindness of one Family to Mine.

elfI picked up my little man (3) from daycare at 6pm and headed out to the local mall to pick out Christmas gifts for daddy and the dog. Maybe I’m crazy, but I really wanted him to pick his own gifts, not me just putting his name on something.

So the mall is busy to say the least. Lines are long, people are pushy and it’s hot because I couldn’t carry our coats too. Not the end of the world of course, but you know what it’s like trying to shop 5 days before Christmas with a three-year old right? It’s a battle, little man just wants to pick out tractors for himself and won’t wait in line. He keeps taking off when I let go of his hand to get out my wallet and when I chase him I lose my spot in the line. Who doesn’t let this mom back in? but whatever!

We make it through three stores and our last stop is the post office. Waiting in line I’ve had it. I’m tired, the bag is heavy, and little man is asking for us to sing jingle bells for the 100th time that evening. He’s hungry and says he wants to go home and eat supper.

I just say “me too bud, soon” .

Then I hear a voice from behind us, “excuse me”.

Honestly, I was thinking what could this person need from me at this point. But I turned around to find a mother and her two teenage daughters dressed in fun holiday sweaters and antlers. They each had large bags of wrapped gifts and big warm smiles.

“Would it be okay if I gave your little boy a Christmas gift? It’s age appropriate and might make your evening a little easier”.

I could have cried. Her knowing look said it all, she knew, she had been me some 10 odd years ago. I managed to get out a meek ‘yes’ and she handed an excited little man his gift. He immediately said thank you (hooray! it’s working) and she and the girls wished us a Merry Christmas. I thanked them and we wished them the same.

Little man was beaming. He was so excited and said how good they were to give him a present. Upon opening it there was a ty beanie baby type monster who, when you squeeze him, says he’s really hungry in a funny monster voice. It kept him entertained while I grabbed a few others needed things and we happily left the mall.

He loves his monster! He played with it all night, slept with it, and it’s been by his side all morning. I’m just so touched that someone paid us this act of kindness. Though a small thing, It made a big impact on both me and little man. I know there are tons of people in need at all times of the year and that there are many ways to show kindness, but it was so awesome that this family took to time to do it, and not just talk about it. I think this will be a tradition when little man gets bigger. I was so touched I just had to share.

If our Christmas elves happen to see this, thank you so so much. For helping a stressed out mom, for showing me there are good, honest, loving families left in this crazy world, helping in teaching my son about kindness and all around bringing some Christmas spirit into the lives of strangers last night.

Thank you!

by MyaMoo22

Source: Reddit



  1. Now that is truly a Random Act of Kindness. A wonderful idea and, when you think about it, pretty easy to do if decided before hand. Just pick up a small age-appropriate toy, wrap it and take it with in a purse or bag while shopping. Then when an little one in need appears, do the gifting. And it will be anonymous. Perfect.

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