1. If you look for the smallest things that can make you happy, then life can really get (at least a little bit) easier. And we can get grateful to be here, on this planet, living. Thanks for sharing!

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  2. Dearest Kristi……

    I lost my Grandmother on Thanksgiving, 16 years ago. She was never sick a day in her life, and just failed to wake up Thanksgiving morning at the age of 94.

    May God help me, I try to live a good life, and hope I will pass so peacefully.

    I am in SC, and it is dipping into the teens tonight. I have taken in three homeless people that have been turned away from the shelters and churches because they are full. They will sleep on my floor, but I will feed them, and they will be warm.

    I have just lit a candle for your Grandmother, and also for you……….

    Peace…..please feel, and have peace.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You truly touched my heart with your kind words and by lighting a candle for my Grandmother, and I am in awe of your kind gestures for those in great need. I can feel the peace, and I wish you the same in return. Thank you!

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      1. Tears, please know I know what you are feeling my friend.

        I work with my church, and I cook, and help out with the homeless when I can. I also ride the bus and help out at the homeless shelter once or twice a month. Being disabled, I do whatever I can to help.

        I have several homeless that stay close by. They know I care, and I take food to them daily. When it turns cold, bitter cold, and the church and shelters fill up, I bring them in. (God help us all…….should we not all do the same)

        Oh…..I have a friend staying with me that would like to say something? I will turn it over to him now.

        hello, my name is chris, but i am called christi. i am a trans. and i am homeless. miss susan has never judged me and is getting me ready to take my ged. she has again taken us in her home. and now she is letting us read so many things on her computer. miss susan told us how you help people miss kristi, we hope for love from all of us for both of you. forever.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your grandmother. It is never easy losing a loved one and I pray the Lord will give you strength in this time of need.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Kristi, I am sorry for your loss of someone so close to you. I do appreciate with you the kind deeds of your friends, colleagues and acquaintances. That shows we can have faith in each other in times of need. Take care, BTG

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  5. I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother. She must have been very close that you named your daughters after her. It is always interesting to see that when one pressuring or sad thing happens at the same time there are lots of acts of love appearing. They might not have anything to do with the sad event, but they happen. There is so much love on this planet, you are one of those open minded people who see that. Whatever happens around can never be to overwhelming with this state of mind. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your kind words for sharing such a lovely perspective! I have to believe that this is far more love and goodness in the world than there is hate and darkness, if only we look for it, appreciate it, and share it.

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  6. As usual, Kristi, your posts encourage kindness of all kinds. Just smiling and wishing someone a healthy and happy New Year during the day is enough for me to appreciate my fellow human beings, and shows you are giving an example to follow. Very sorry about your Grandmother. All good things do come to an end: it’s so sad when it is someone much loved as she was. Remembering the good times helps. My condolences to you and your family.

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  7. I’m sorry for the loss of your grandmother Kristi. When we lose someone who has impacted our life to the degree that we share their names that makes it even harder. I lost my grandmother many years ago and I know the pain. I have her name as part of my name, as does my aunt. My teen is named after her and I remember the tears in her eyes as she cradled my baby in her arms and said “If I had a chest, I’d stick it out”. She was that proud to have a baby named after her. As a grandmother who has had a child named after them myself, I know just how wonderful a feeling it is. I’m sure your grandmother knew you loved her so very, very much.
    I send you much love at this time.

    Liked by 1 person

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