An Anonymous Act of Kindness 42-Years Ago is Still Being Paid Forward

box of groceries - kindness42 years ago, an anonymous person left a large box of groceries on our front porch (sometime after we all went to bed).

My mother was supporting 5 children on a 50–hr week at minimum wage with no help from my father, the state or anybody else.

There were many nights where we had only potato soup and cornbread. Some nights we went to bed hungry.

We never found out who left the groceries, but it did more than fill our stomachs. It also filled our hearts, knowing that somebody out there would go out of their way to do it.

Not knowing who our benefactor was, we never could pay it back, so we endeavor to pay it forward.

~ Name Withheld



  1. Aww, I love this! I remember when a friend of my mother’s bought us groceries when I was child. My mother had lost her job due to illness, savings depleted and we did not know how we were going to eat. We prayed together. Later that day, there was a knock at the door. Someone became the hands and feet of Jesus and answered our prayers. Thanks for helping me to remember that story today!

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