1. What a beautiful thing to do and what precious memories are given with the simple written word! I love this idea and thank you for sharing. Peace

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I like this!
    In everyone’s heart lives the sun of kindness, which is the conscience of the world. People it keep inside of their in order to not freezing from the coldness of life. Only unique persons are able donating the sun others on warming and illuminating their lives.
    Reading your anonymous letters stranger people will once again think about the necessity of helping others, from which shine the rises of kindness. Their best contact with you will be the moment when they decide to realize the kind thoughts of the letters.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m having great trouble reblogging this wonderful and inspirational story.

    But I just want to say that London, my home town is a lonely place for some, so what is being done by this person is wonderful.

    To anybody who doesn’t have time for letters or words, then a smile will do the same trick!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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